This is the first post ever on the House of Spode. Welcome, and I hope you and I will enjoy quite the fantastic voyage together. As we prepare to step off on our marvelous adventure, let me just briefly introduce the House of Spode with a very short frequently asked questions.
Why House of Spode?
This blog is inspired by the 7th Earl of Sidcup, Roderick Spode. This, of course, is a reference the various works of P.G. Wodehouse, one of the great lions of British comedic writing.
What is the House of Spode?
This blog will focus on two things. First, I aim to deflate all that has grown too big for its black shorts. The preferred means to do will of course involve attempts to hit them in the eye with a potato (metaphorically speaking). Together we will ridicule and shame all those that have become too self-important to laugh at themselves anymore. Second, and perhaps much more importantly, this blog will also focus on a whole lot of nonesense. We will explore items that might be funny, might be thought provoking, or might just be utter rubbish. Anything is fair game, because if it catches my eye, it might very well make an appearence.
11 hours ago