Sure...well then how do they explain this little brouhaha?
According to this article (see below) by the Associated Press, this week's Belgian body building championships were canceled after competitors bolted at the first sight of a doping test.
In light of this news, we at the House of Spode are crowning Belgian body builders, and body builders in general, this week's Spode of the Week. Here's to you Mr. Pumping Iron Belgium...
The Belgian bodybuilding championship has been canceled after doping officials showed up and all the competitors fled.
A doping official says bodybuilders just grabbed their gear and ran off when he came into the room.
"I have never seen anything like it and hope never to see anything like it again," doping official Hans Cooman said Monday.
Twenty bodybuilders were entered in the weekend competition.Cooman says the sport has a history of doping "and this incident didn't do its reputation any good."
During testing of bodybuilding events last year, doping authorities of northern Belgium's Flanders region found that three-quarters of the competitors tested positive.